Pegram Social Club

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Name: Pegram Social Club
Date: December 14, 2022
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM CST
Event Description:
Details of Event - Pegram's Senior's Monthly Social Club of many seniors from Pegram, Kingston Springs, Bellevue, West Nashville & other surrounding communities that join for a day of fun. In the morning they like to play Rook (if you don't know how, no worry, it's easy & they'll show you). Lunch approx 11:30 am, bring a lunch dish, it's like Pot Luck everyone bring a dish and/or dessert. The Pegram Special Events Committee provides the drinks & condiments for the drinks. After lunch, they play Bingo and/or w/music or whatever they decide to do. It's day to reconnect w/friends or connect with new ones. Come join the fun. Everyone Welcome.

Contact Name - Ms. Virginia Green, Pegram Senior Coordinator
Contact Phone - 615-646-6978
Contact Email - (Carol Crook Vice Mayor & PSEC Chairperson)
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